@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import * as THREE from "three";
+import { THREEMaterialType, IBaseProps, IGroupParams, IMeshParams, IPointLight } from "./type/types";
+ * glb模型并发加载工作原理
+ * web worker 可以解析glb模型 但是postMessage发送的数据类型只是普通的对象,
+ * 并且不能存在方法 方法无法传递,带方法会导致发送失败,并且不会触发onerror
+ * THREE构建物体所需的bufferGeometry,还是BufferAttribute 或者Material等原型对象无法被传递
+ * 传递到主线程的只是一个普通对象和上面的属性(对象中不能有函数)
+ * 可以通过生成一个THREE所需的类型 把传递过来的对象上的参数复制给THREE需要的对象上
+ * 这样在主线程生成一个同样的模型,但是省去了解析模型时间(模型解析在web worker中与js主线程并发执行)
+ * 实现并发加载
+ */
+ * 通过设置attributes index来复刻一个集合体
+ */
+const genGeometry = (geometry: IMeshParams["geometry"], IMeshParams) => {
+ // console.log('目标------>',geometry);
+ const geom = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
+ const {
+ attributes: { position, uv, normal },
+ index,
+ } = geometry;
+ //处理几何坐标
+ if(uv){
+ const attributes = {
+ position: new THREE.BufferAttribute(position.array, position.itemSize, position.normalized),
+ uv: new THREE.BufferAttribute(uv.array, uv.itemSize, uv.normalized),
+ normal: new THREE.BufferAttribute(normal.array, normal.itemSize, normal.normalized),
+ };
+ geom.attributes = attributes;
+ }else {
+ const attributes = {
+ position: new THREE.BufferAttribute(position.array, position.itemSize, position.normalized),
+ normal: new THREE.BufferAttribute(normal.array, normal.itemSize, normal.normalized),
+ };
+ // geom.attributes['position'] = new THREE.BufferAttribute(position.array, position.itemSize, position.normalized),
+ // geom.attributes['normal'] = new THREE.BufferAttribute(normal.array, normal.itemSize, normal.normalized)
+ geom.attributes = attributes;
+ }
+ geom.index = index ? new THREE.BufferAttribute(index.array, index.itemSize, index.normalized) : null;
+ return geom;
+ * 根据传入纹理的参数生成真正有效的Material类型数据
+ */
+const genMaterial = (mate: IMeshParams["material"]) => {
+ if (!mate) return undefined;
+ const multipleMaterial = Array.isArray(mate);
+ const material = multipleMaterial ? ([] as THREE.Material[]) : new THREE[mate.type as THREEMaterialType]();
+ //处理材质
+ //多个材质
+ if (multipleMaterial && Array.isArray(material)) {
+ console.log('有多个材质');
+ for (const m of mate) {
+ const im = new THREE[m.type as THREEMaterialType]();
+ material.push(im);
+ }
+ } else if (mate) {
+ //单个材质
+ Object.assign(material, mate);
+ for (const key in mate) {
+ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mate, key)) {
+ const element = mate[key];
+ if(element && Object.prototype.toString.call(element === '[object Object]')) {
+ if( element.isTexture){
+ const texture = new THREE.Texture()
+ for (const k in texture) {
+ if(Object.prototype.toString.call(texture[k]) === '[object Object]'){
+ if(k==='center' || k==='offset' || k==='repeat'){
+ texture[k] = new THREE.Vector2()
+ }
+ if(k === 'matrix'){
+ texture[k] = new THREE.Matrix3()
+ }
+ if(k === 'source'){
+ texture[k] = new THREE.Source(null)
+ }
+ Object.assign(texture[k] , element[k]);
+ }else {
+ texture[k] = element[k]
+ }
+ }
+ material[key] = texture
+ }
+ if(element.isColor){
+ const color = new THREE.Color()
+ Object.assign(color, element);
+ material[key] = color
+ }
+ if(key === 'normalScale'){
+ const vector2 = new THREE.Vector2()
+ Object.assign(vector2, element);
+ material[key] = vector2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return material;
+ * 处理基本属性转换(Object3D基类上的属性) matrix scale rotate translate position children animations
+ */
+const parseBaseParams = (params: IBaseProps, object: THREE.Object3D) => {
+ const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4();
+ matrix.elements = params.matrix.elements;
+ object.name = params.name;
+ object.matrix = matrix;
+ object.rotation.set(...params.rotation);
+ object.position.set(...params.position);
+ object.scale.set(...params.scale);
+ object.quaternion.set(...params.quaternion);
+ object.up.set(...params.up);
+ object.userData = params.userData;
+ object.visible = params.visible;
+ parseChildren(object, params.children);
+ genAnimations(object, params.animations);
+ // deleteObjectKeys(params, [
+ // "name",
+ // "matrix",
+ // "rotation",
+ // "position",
+ // "scale",
+ // "quaternion",
+ // "up",
+ // "userData",
+ // "visible",
+ // ]);
+ // object.scale.x += 0.3;
+ // object.scale.y += 0.3;
+ // object.scale.z += 0.3;
+const parseMesh = (IMeshParams: IMeshParams) => {
+ const geometry = genGeometry(IMeshParams.geometry, IMeshParams);
+ const material = genMaterial(IMeshParams.material);
+ const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
+ parseBaseParams(IMeshParams, mesh);
+ return mesh;
+const parseGroup = (params: IGroupParams) => {
+ const group = new THREE.Group();
+ parseBaseParams(params, group);
+ return group;
+const parsePointLight = (params: IPointLight) => {
+ const color = new THREE.Color();
+ // 色彩空间
+ // export type ColorSpace = NoColorSpace | SRGBColorSpace | LinearSRGBColorSpace;
+ // export type NoColorSpace = '';
+ // export type SRGBColorSpace = 'srgb';
+ // export type LinearSRGBColorSpace = 'srgb-linear';
+ //glb模型为了亮度恢复 使用srgb格式 所以颜色也使用同样格式 使其颜色模式一致
+ color.setRGB(params.color.r, params.color.g, params.color.b, "srgb-linear");
+ const pointLight = new THREE.PointLight(color, params.intensity, params.distance, params.decay);
+ parseBaseParams(params, pointLight);
+ return pointLight;
+const parseObject3D = (params: IBaseProps) => {
+ const object = new THREE.Object3D();
+ parseBaseParams(params, object);
+ return object;
+const parseChildren = (object3D: THREE.Object3D, children: IBaseProps[]) => {
+ if (!children.length) return;
+ const objectList: THREE.Object3D[] = [];
+ for (const child of children) {
+ const { type } = child;
+ if (type === "Mesh") {
+ objectList.push(parseMesh(child as IMeshParams));
+ } else if (type === "Group") {
+ objectList.push(parseGroup(child));
+ } else if (type === "PointLight") {
+ objectList.push(parsePointLight(child as IPointLight));
+ } else if (type === "Object3D") {
+ objectList.push(parseObject3D(child));
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("出现了未处理的类型:" + type);
+ }
+ }
+ object3D.add(...objectList);
+ * 生成动画
+ */
+const genAnimations = (object3D: THREE.Object3D, sceneAnimations: IGroupParams["sceneAnimations"]) => {
+ if (!sceneAnimations) return;
+ const animations: THREE.AnimationClip[] = [];
+ for (const animation of sceneAnimations!) {
+ const clip = new THREE.AnimationClip(animation.name, animation.duration, [], animation.blendMode);
+ //@ts-ignore
+ for (const { name, times, values, type } of animation.tracks) {
+ let nreTrack;
+ if(type){
+ if(type === 'vector') nreTrack = new THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack(name, times as any, values as any);
+ if(type === 'quaternion') nreTrack = new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack(name, times as any, values as any);
+ }else {
+ nreTrack = new THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack(name, times as any, values as any);
+ }
+ clip.tracks.push(nreTrack);
+ }
+ animations.push(clip);
+ }
+ object3D.animations = animations;
+ * 解析传入的模型参数生成有效的three.js物体
+ */
+export const parseModel = (params: IGroupParams) => {
+ const model = parseGroup(params);
+ // model.position.x += 10;
+ genAnimations(model, params.sceneAnimations);
+ // console.log("解析完:", model);
+ return model;