import type { RouteLocationNormalized, RouteRecordNormalized } from 'vue-router'; import type { App, Plugin } from 'vue'; import { unref } from 'vue'; import { isObject } from '/@/utils/is'; // update-begin--author:sunjianlei---date:20220408---for: 【VUEN-656】配置外部网址打不开,原因是带了#号,需要替换一下 export const URL_HASH_TAB = `__AGWE4H__HASH__TAG__PWHRG__` // update-end--author:sunjianlei---date:20220408---for: 【VUEN-656】配置外部网址打不开,原因是带了#号,需要替换一下 export const noop = () => {}; /** * @description: Set ui mount node */ export function getPopupContainer(node?: HTMLElement): HTMLElement { return (node?.parentNode as HTMLElement) ?? document.body; } /** * Add the object as a parameter to the URL * @param baseUrl url * @param obj * @returns {string} * eg: * let obj = {a: '3', b: '4'} * setObjToUrlParams('', obj) * ==> */ export function setObjToUrlParams(baseUrl: string, obj: any): string { let parameters = ''; for (const key in obj) { parameters += key + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]) + '&'; } parameters = parameters.replace(/&$/, ''); return /\?$/.test(baseUrl) ? baseUrl + parameters : baseUrl.replace(/\/?$/, '?') + parameters; } export function deepMerge(src: any = {}, target: any = {}): T { let key: string; for (key in target) { src[key] = isObject(src[key]) ? deepMerge(src[key], target[key]) : (src[key] = target[key]); } return src; } export function openWindow( url: string, opt?: { target?: TargetContext | string; noopener?: boolean; noreferrer?: boolean } ) { const { target = '__blank', noopener = true, noreferrer = true } = opt || {}; const feature: string[] = []; noopener && feature.push('noopener=yes'); noreferrer && feature.push('noreferrer=yes');, target, feature.join(',')); } // dynamic use hook props export function getDynamicProps(props: T): Partial { const ret: Recordable = {}; Object.keys(props).map((key) => { ret[key] = unref((props as Recordable)[key]); }); return ret as Partial; } /** * 获取表单字段值数据类型 * @param props * @param field * @updateBy:zyf */ export function getValueType(props,field){ let formSchema = unref(unref(props)?.schemas) let valueType = "string"; if (formSchema) { let schema = formSchema.filter((item) => item.field === field)[0]; valueType = schema.componentProps&&schema.componentProps.valueType ? schema.componentProps.valueType : valueType; } return valueType; } export function getRawRoute(route: RouteLocationNormalized): RouteLocationNormalized { if (!route) return route; const { matched, ...opt } = route; return { ...opt, matched: (matched ? => ({ meta: item.meta, name:, path: item.path, })) : undefined) as RouteRecordNormalized[], }; } /** * 深度克隆对象、数组 * @param obj 被克隆的对象 * @return 克隆后的对象 */ export function cloneObject(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) } export const withInstall = (component: T, alias?: string) => { const comp = component as any; comp.install = (app: App) => { app.component( || comp.displayName, component); if (alias) { app.config.globalProperties[alias] = component; } }; return component as T & Plugin; }; /** * 获取url地址参数 * @param paraName */ export function getUrlParam(paraName) { let url = document.location.toString(); let arrObj = url.split("?"); if (arrObj.length > 1) { let arrPara = arrObj[1].split("&"); let arr; for (let i = 0; i < arrPara.length; i++) { arr = arrPara[i].split("="); if (arr != null && arr[0] == paraName) { return arr[1]; } } return ""; } else { return ""; } } /** * 休眠(setTimeout的promise版) * @param ms 要休眠的时间,单位:毫秒 * @param fn callback,可空 * @return Promise */ export function sleep(ms: number, fn?: Fn) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => { fn && fn() resolve() }, ms)) } /** * 不用正则的方式替换所有值 * @param text 被替换的字符串 * @param checker 替换前的内容 * @param replacer 替换后的内容 * @returns {String} 替换后的字符串 */ export function replaceAll(text, checker, replacer) { let lastText = text text = text.replace(checker, replacer) if (lastText !== text) { return replaceAll(text, checker, replacer) } return text }