@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+export default {
+ api: {
+ operationFailed: 'Operation failed',
+ errorTip: 'Error Tip',
+ errorMessage: 'The operation failed, the system is abnormal!',
+ timeoutMessage: 'Login timed out, please log in again!',
+ apiTimeoutMessage: 'The interface request timed out, please refresh the page and try again!',
+ networkException: 'network anomaly',
+ networkExceptionMsg:
+ 'Please check if your network connection is normal! The network is abnormal',
+ errMsg401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, password error)!',
+ errMsg403: 'The user is authorized, but access is forbidden!',
+ errMsg404: 'Network request error, the resource was not found!',
+ errMsg405: 'Network request error, request method not allowed!',
+ errMsg408: 'Network request timed out!',
+ errMsg500: 'Server error, please contact the administrator!',
+ errMsg501: 'The network is not implemented!',
+ errMsg502: 'Network Error!',
+ errMsg503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained!',
+ errMsg504: 'Network timeout!',
+ errMsg505: 'The http version does not support the request!',
+ },
+ app: {
+ logoutTip: 'Reminder',
+ logoutMessage: 'Confirm to exit the system?',
+ menuLoading: 'Menu loading...',
+ },
+ errorLog: {
+ tableTitle: 'Error log list',
+ tableColumnType: 'Type',
+ tableColumnDate: 'Time',
+ tableColumnFile: 'File',
+ tableColumnMsg: 'Error message',
+ tableColumnStackMsg: 'Stack info',
+ tableActionDesc: 'Details',
+ modalTitle: 'Error details',
+ fireVueError: 'Fire vue error',
+ fireResourceError: 'Fire resource error',
+ fireAjaxError: 'Fire ajax error',
+ enableMessage: 'Only effective when useErrorHandle=true in `/src/settings/projectSetting.ts`.',
+ },
+ exception: {
+ backLogin: 'Back Login',
+ backHome: 'Back Home',
+ subTitle403: "Sorry, you don't have access to this page.",
+ subTitle404: 'Sorry, the page you visited does not exist.',
+ subTitle500: 'Sorry, the server is reporting an error.',
+ noDataTitle: 'No data on the current page.',
+ networkErrorTitle: 'Network Error',
+ networkErrorSubTitle:
+ 'Sorry,Your network connection has been disconnected, please check your network!',
+ },
+ lock: {
+ unlock: 'Click to unlock',
+ alert: 'Lock screen password error',
+ backToLogin: 'Back to login',
+ entry: 'Enter the system',
+ placeholder: 'Please enter the lock screen password or user password',
+ },
+ login: {
+ backSignIn: 'Back sign in',
+ mobileSignInFormTitle: 'Mobile sign in',
+ qrSignInFormTitle: 'Qr code sign in',
+ signInFormTitle: 'Sign in',
+ signUpFormTitle: 'Sign up',
+ forgetFormTitle: 'Reset password',
+ signInTitle: 'Backstage management system',
+ signInDesc: 'Enter your personal details and get started!',
+ policy: 'I agree to the xxx Privacy Policy',
+ scanSign: `scanning the code to complete the login`,
+ loginButton: 'Sign in',
+ registerButton: 'Sign up',
+ rememberMe: 'Remember me',
+ forgetPassword: 'Forget Password?',
+ otherSignIn: 'Sign in with',
+ // notify
+ loginSuccessTitle: 'Login successful',
+ loginSuccessDesc: 'Welcome back',
+ // placeholder
+ accountPlaceholder: 'Please input username',
+ passwordPlaceholder: 'Please input password',
+ smsPlaceholder: 'Please input sms code',
+ mobilePlaceholder: 'Please input mobile',
+ policyPlaceholder: 'Register after checking',
+ diffPwd: 'The two passwords are inconsistent',
+ userName: 'Username',
+ password: 'Password',
+ confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password',
+ email: 'Email',
+ smsCode: 'SMS code',
+ mobile: 'Mobile',
+ },