export default { app: { searchNotData: 'No search results yet', toSearch: 'to search', toNavigate: 'to navigate', }, countdown: { normalText: 'Get SMS code', sendText: 'Reacquire in {0}s', }, cropper: { selectImage: 'Select Image', uploadSuccess: 'Uploaded success!', modalTitle: 'Avatar upload', okText: 'Confirm and upload', }, drawer: { loadingText: 'Loading...', cancelText: 'Close', okText: 'Confirm', }, excel: { exportModalTitle: 'Export data', fileType: 'File type', fileName: 'File name', }, form: { putAway: 'Put away', unfold: 'Unfold', maxTip: 'The number of characters should be less than {0}', apiSelectNotFound: 'Wait for data loading to complete...', }, icon: { placeholder: 'Click the select icon', search: 'Search icon', copy: 'Copy icon successfully!', }, menu: { search: 'Menu search', }, modal: { cancelText: 'Close', okText: 'Confirm', }, table: { settingDens: 'Density', settingDensDefault: 'Default', settingDensMiddle: 'Middle', settingDensSmall: 'Compact', settingColumn: 'Column settings', settingColumnShow: 'Column display', settingIndexColumnShow: 'Index Column', settingSelectColumnShow: 'Selection Column', settingFixedLeft: 'Fixed Left', settingFixedRight: 'Fixed Right', settingFullScreen: 'Full Screen', index: 'Index', total: 'total of {total}', }, time: { before: ' ago', after: ' after', just: 'just now', seconds: ' seconds', minutes: ' minutes', hours: ' hours', days: ' days', }, tree: { selectAll: 'Select All', unSelectAll: 'Cancel Select', expandAll: 'Expand All', unExpandAll: 'Collapse all', checkStrictly: 'Hierarchical association', checkUnStrictly: 'Hierarchical independence', }, upload: { save: 'Save', upload: 'Upload', imgUpload: 'ImageUpload', uploaded: 'Uploaded', operating: 'Operating', del: 'Delete', download: 'download', saveWarn: 'Please wait for the file to upload and save!', saveError: 'There is no file successfully uploaded and cannot be saved!', preview: 'Preview', choose: 'Select the file', accept: 'Support {0} format', acceptUpload: 'Only upload files in {0} format', maxSize: 'A single file does not exceed {0}MB ', maxSizeMultiple: 'Only upload files up to {0}MB!', maxNumber: 'Only upload up to {0} files', legend: 'Legend', fileName: 'File name', fileSize: 'File size', fileStatue: 'File status', startUpload: 'Start upload', uploadSuccess: 'Upload successfully', uploadError: 'Upload failed', uploading: 'Uploading', uploadWait: 'Please wait for the file upload to finish', reUploadFailed: 'Re-upload failed files', }, verify: { error: 'verification failed!', time: 'The verification is successful and it takes {time} seconds!', redoTip: 'Click the picture to refresh', dragText: 'Hold down the slider and drag', successText: 'Verified', }, };