component.ts 3.4 KB

  1. export default {
  2. app: {
  3. searchNotData: 'No search results yet',
  4. toSearch: 'to search',
  5. toNavigate: 'to navigate',
  6. },
  7. countdown: {
  8. normalText: 'Get SMS code',
  9. sendText: 'Reacquire in {0}s',
  10. },
  11. cropper: {
  12. selectImage: 'Select Image',
  13. uploadSuccess: 'Uploaded success!',
  14. imageTooBig: 'Image too big',
  15. modalTitle: 'Avatar upload',
  16. okText: 'Confirm and upload',
  17. btn_reset: 'Reset',
  18. btn_rotate_left: 'Counterclockwise rotation',
  19. btn_rotate_right: 'Clockwise rotation',
  20. btn_scale_x: 'Flip horizontal',
  21. btn_scale_y: 'Flip vertical',
  22. btn_zoom_in: 'Zoom in',
  23. btn_zoom_out: 'Zoom out',
  24. preview: 'Preivew',
  25. },
  26. drawer: {
  27. loadingText: 'Loading...',
  28. cancelText: 'Close',
  29. okText: 'Confirm',
  30. },
  31. excel: {
  32. exportModalTitle: 'Export data',
  33. fileType: 'File type',
  34. fileName: 'File name',
  35. },
  36. form: {
  37. putAway: 'Put away',
  38. unfold: 'Unfold',
  39. maxTip: 'The number of characters should be less than {0}',
  40. apiSelectNotFound: 'Wait for data loading to complete...',
  41. },
  42. icon: {
  43. placeholder: 'Click the select icon',
  44. search: 'Search icon',
  45. copy: 'Copy icon successfully!',
  46. },
  47. menu: {
  48. search: 'Menu search',
  49. },
  50. modal: {
  51. cancelText: 'Close',
  52. okText: 'Confirm',
  53. close: 'Close',
  54. maximize: 'Maximize',
  55. restore: 'Restore',
  56. },
  57. table: {
  58. settingDens: 'Density',
  59. settingDensDefault: 'Default',
  60. settingDensMiddle: 'Middle',
  61. settingDensSmall: 'Compact',
  62. settingColumn: 'Column settings',
  63. settingColumnShow: 'Column display',
  64. settingIndexColumnShow: 'Index Column',
  65. settingSelectColumnShow: 'Selection Column',
  66. settingFixedLeft: 'Fixed Left',
  67. settingFixedRight: 'Fixed Right',
  68. settingFullScreen: 'Full Screen',
  69. index: 'Index',
  70. total: 'total of {total}',
  71. },
  72. time: {
  73. before: ' ago',
  74. after: ' after',
  75. just: 'just now',
  76. seconds: ' seconds',
  77. minutes: ' minutes',
  78. hours: ' hours',
  79. days: ' days',
  80. },
  81. tree: {
  82. selectAll: 'Select All',
  83. unSelectAll: 'Cancel Select',
  84. expandAll: 'Expand All',
  85. unExpandAll: 'Collapse all',
  86. checkStrictly: 'Hierarchical association',
  87. checkUnStrictly: 'Hierarchical independence',
  88. },
  89. upload: {
  90. save: 'Save',
  91. upload: 'Upload',
  92. imgUpload: 'ImageUpload',
  93. uploaded: 'Uploaded',
  94. operating: 'Operating',
  95. del: 'Delete',
  96. download: 'download',
  97. saveWarn: 'Please wait for the file to upload and save!',
  98. saveError: 'There is no file successfully uploaded and cannot be saved!',
  99. preview: 'Preview',
  100. choose: 'Select the file',
  101. accept: 'Support {0} format',
  102. acceptUpload: 'Only upload files in {0} format',
  103. maxSize: 'A single file does not exceed {0}MB ',
  104. maxSizeMultiple: 'Only upload files up to {0}MB!',
  105. maxNumber: 'Only upload up to {0} files',
  106. legend: 'Legend',
  107. fileName: 'File name',
  108. fileSize: 'File size',
  109. fileStatue: 'File status',
  110. startUpload: 'Start upload',
  111. uploadSuccess: 'Upload successfully',
  112. uploadError: 'Upload failed',
  113. uploading: 'Uploading',
  114. uploadWait: 'Please wait for the file upload to finish',
  115. reUploadFailed: 'Re-upload failed files',
  116. },
  117. verify: {
  118. error: 'verification failed!',
  119. time: 'The verification is successful and it takes {time} seconds!',
  120. redoTip: 'Click the picture to refresh',
  121. dragText: 'Hold down the slider and drag',
  122. successText: 'Verified',
  123. },
  124. };