@@ -0,0 +1,1650 @@
+ <view class="gas-report" name="gasreport">
+ <u-navbar title="瓦斯上报" :safeAreaInsetTop="true" leftIcon=""> </u-navbar>
+ <view class="gas-content">
+ <!-- 瓦斯上报列表 -->
+ <view v-if="!isShowAdd && !isShowEdit">
+ <view class="top-gas-list">
+ <view class="search-box" @click="getChangeTimeTb">
+ <text class="dialog-label">填报时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="tbTime" placeholder="请选择填报时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showCalendarTb" v-model="timeRan" mode="date" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="confirmTb" @cancel="showCalendarTb = false" @change="changeTb"
+ @close="showCalendarTb = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <u-button type="primary" size="small" style="margin: 2px 0px;" @click="getAdd">新增</u-button>
+ </view>
+ <view class="bot-gas-list">
+ <view class="top-title">
+ <view style="font-weight: bold;">瓦斯填报列表</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="top-content" v-for="(item, index) in gasList" :key="index">
+ <view class="content-title-gas">
+ <text>
+ {{ item.strInstallPos || '--' }}
+ </text>
+ <u-icon class="icon-gas-edit" name="edit-pen-fill" color="#0eb4fc" size="16"
+ @click="getEdit(item)"></u-icon>
+ <u-icon class="icon-gas-del" name="trash" color="#0eb4fc" size="16"
+ @click="getDel(item)"></u-icon>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item-box">
+ <view class="content-item">
+ <view class="item-l">
+ <view class="item-value">{{ item.timeEarly1 || '--' }}</view>
+ <view class="item-label">早班测量时间一</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="item-c"></view>
+ <view class="item-r">
+ <view class="item-value">{{ item.timeEarly2 || '--' }}</view>
+ <view class="item-label">早班测量时间二</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item">
+ <view class="item-l">
+ <view class="item-value">{{ item.timeNoon1 || '--' }}</view>
+ <view class="item-label">午班测量时间一</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="item-c"></view>
+ <view class="item-r">
+ <view class="item-value">{{ item.timeNoon2 || '--' }}</view>
+ <view class="item-label">午班测量时间二</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="content-item">
+ <view class="item-l">
+ <view class="item-value">{{ item.timeNight1 || '--' }}</view>
+ <view class="item-label">晚班测量时间一</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="item-c"></view>
+ <view class="item-r">
+ <view class="item-value">{{ item.timeNight2 || '--' }}</view>
+ <view class="item-label">晚班测量时间二</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <!-- 新增弹窗 -->
+ <view v-if="isShowAdd">
+ <view class="top-dialog-area">
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChange('班次')">
+ <text class="dialog-label">班次:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.bc" placeholder="请选择班次"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right" suffixIconStyle="color: #909399"></u--input>
+ <u-action-sheet :show="showDialogBc" :actions="dialogAction" :title="dialogTitle"
+ @close="showDialogBc = false" @select="selectChangeBc">
+ </u-action-sheet>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChange('测量次数')">
+ <text class="dialog-label">测量次数:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.count" placeholder="请选择测量次数"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right" suffixIconStyle="color: #909399"></u--input>
+ <u-action-sheet :show="showDialogCl" :actions="dialogAction" :title="dialogTitle"
+ @close="showDialogCl = false" @select="selectChangeCl">
+ </u-action-sheet>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChange('检测地点')">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测地点:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.jcdd" placeholder="请选择检测地点"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right" suffixIconStyle="color: #909399"></u--input>
+ <u-action-sheet :show="showDialogJc" :actions="dialogAction" :title="dialogTitle"
+ @close="showDialogJc = false" @select="selectChangeJc">
+ </u-action-sheet>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeTime">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formState.time" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showCalendar" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showCalendar = false" @cancel="showCalendar = false" @change="change"
+ @close="showCalendar = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">填报日期:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.tbrq" placeholder="请选择填报日期"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.jcy" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">气体监测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.ch4" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.co2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.co" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.o2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="bottom-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">三对照数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.jw" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.gw" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formState.bxy" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-btn">
+ <u-button type="success" size="small" @click="getConfirm">保存</u-button>
+ <u-button type="primary" size="small" @click="getCancel">取消</u-button>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <!-- 编辑弹窗 -->
+ <view v-if="isShowEdit">
+ <view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">早班第一次检测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeZb1">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formStateEdit.timeEarly1" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showZb1" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showZb1 = false" @cancel="showZb1 = false" @change="changeZb1"
+ @close="showZb1 = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.checkPersonEarly"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.ch4Early1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.co2Early1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.coEarly1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.o2Early1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.jwSdzEarly1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.gwSdzEarly1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.bxySdzEarly1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">早班第二次检测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeZb2">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formStateEdit.timeEarly2" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showZb2" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showZb2 = false" @cancel="showZb2 = false" @change="changeZb2"
+ @close="showZb2 = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.checkPersonEarly"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.ch4Early2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.co2Early2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.coEarly2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.o2Early2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.jwSdzEarly2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.gwSdzEarly2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.bxySdzEarly2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">午班第一次检测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeWb1">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formStateEdit.timeNoon1" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showWb1" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showWb1 = false" @cancel="showWb1 = false" @change="changeWb1"
+ @close="showWb1 = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.checkPersonNoon"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.ch4Noon1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.co2Noon1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.coNoon1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.o2Noon1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.jwSdzNoon1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.gwSdzNoon1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.bxySdzNoon1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">午班第二次检测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeWb2">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formStateEdit.timeNoon2" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showWb2" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showWb2 = false" @cancel="showWb2 = false" @change="changeWb2"
+ @close="showWb2 = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.checkPersonNoon"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.ch4Noon2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.co2Noon2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.coNoon2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.o2Noon2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.jwSdzNoon2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.gwSdzNoon2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.bxySdzNoon2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">晚班第一次检测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeNb1">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formStateEdit.timeNight1" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showNb1" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showNb1 = false" @cancel="showNb1 = false" @change="changeNb1"
+ @close="showNb1 = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.checkPersonNight"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.ch4Night1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.co2Night1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.coNight1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.o2Night1" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.jwSdzNight1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.gwSdzNight1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.bxySdzNight1"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="center-dialog-area">
+ <div class="dialog-title">晚班第二次检测数据</div>
+ <view class="dialog-item" @click="getChangeNb2">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测时间:</text>
+ <u--input v-model="formStateEdit.timeNight2" placeholder="请选择检测时间" inputAlign="center"
+ suffixIcon="arrow-right"></u--input>
+ <u-datetime-picker :show="showNb2" v-model="timeRan" mode="datetime" closeOnClickOverlay
+ @confirm="showNb2 = false" @cancel="showNb2 = false" @change="changeNb2"
+ @close="showNb2 = false"></u-datetime-picker>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">检测员:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.checkPersonNight"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CH₄:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.ch4Night2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.co2Night2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">CO:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.coNight2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">O₂:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.o2Night2" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">甲烷传感器:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.jwSdzNight2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">光瓦测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.gwSdzNight2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-item">
+ <text class="dialog-label">便携仪测量数据:</text>
+ <u--input inputAlign="center" v-model="formStateEdit.bxySdzNight2"
+ placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="dialog-btn">
+ <u-button type="success" size="small" @click="getConfirmEdit">保存</u-button>
+ <u-button type="primary" size="small" @click="getCancelEdit">取消</u-button>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+import api from "@/api/api";
+import moment from 'moment'
+export default {
+ name: 'gasreport',
+ props: {},
+ watch: {},
+ data() {
+ return {
+ //新增参数信息
+ isShowAdd: false,//是否显示新增弹窗
+ isShowEdit: false,//是否显示编辑弹窗
+ formState: {
+ id: '',
+ bc: '',
+ count: '',
+ jcdd: '',
+ jcy: '',
+ time: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'),
+ ch4: '',
+ co2: '',
+ co: '',
+ o2: '',
+ jw: '',
+ gw: '',
+ bxy: '',
+ tbrq: moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
+ },
+ showZb1: false,
+ showZb2: false,
+ showWb1: false,
+ showWb2: false,
+ showNb1: false,
+ showNb2: false,
+ formStateEdit: {
+ id: '',
+ bxySdzEarly1: '',
+ ch4Early1: '',
+ checkPersonEarly: '',
+ co2Early1: '',
+ coEarly1: '',
+ gwSdzEarly1: '',
+ jwSdzEarly1: '',
+ o2Early1: '',
+ timeEarly1: '',
+ bxySdzEarly2: '',
+ ch4Early2: '',
+ co2Early2: '',
+ coEarly2: '',
+ gwSdzEarly2: '',
+ jwSdzEarly2: '',
+ o2Early2: '',
+ timeEarly2: '',
+ bxySdzNoon1: '',
+ ch4Noon1: '',
+ checkPersonNoon: '',
+ co2Noon1: '',
+ coNoon1: '',
+ gwSdzNoon1: '',
+ jwSdzNoon1: '',
+ o2Noon1: '',
+ timeNoon1: '',
+ bxySdzNoon2: '',
+ ch4Noon2: '',
+ co2Noon2: '',
+ coNoon2: '',
+ gwSdzNoon2: '',
+ jwSdzNoon2: '',
+ o2Noon2: '',
+ timeNoon2: '',
+ bxySdzNight1: '',
+ ch4Night1: '',
+ checkPersonNight: '',
+ co2Night1: '',
+ coNight1: '',
+ gwSdzNight1: '',
+ jwSdzNight1: '',
+ o2Night1: '',
+ timeNight1: '',
+ bxySdzNight2: '',
+ ch4Night2: '',
+ co2Night2: '',
+ coNight2: '',
+ gwSdzNight2: '',
+ jwSdzNight2: '',
+ o2Night2: '',
+ timeNight2: '',
+ },
+ showDialogBc: false,//控制班次选型下拉开启
+ showDialogCl: false,//控制测量次数选型下拉开启
+ showDialogJc: false,//控制监测地点选型下拉开启
+ dialogTitle: '',
+ dialogAction: [],//下拉选项列表
+ showCalendar: false,//控制日期选型下拉开启
+ showCalendar1: false,
+ timeRan: Number(new Date()),
+ gasList: [],//瓦斯填报列表数据
+ tbTime: null,//查询条件-填报时间
+ showCalendarTb: false,//控制填报时间组件弹出
+ saveShow: '',
+ saveShowList: {},
+ };
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ this.getGasList()
+ },
+ methods: {
+ //获取安装位置下拉选项
+ getSelectList() {
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .getSelect({ devicekind: 'gasDayReport' })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ let data = response.data.result
+ this.dialogAction = data.map(v => {
+ return {
+ name: v.strinstallpos,
+ id: v.devicekind
+ }
+ })
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ //班次下拉选项切换
+ selectChangeBc(e) {
+ this.formState.bc = e.name
+ },
+ //监测次数选项切换
+ selectChangeCl(e) {
+ this.formState.count = e.name
+ // this.paramCount = e.id
+ },
+ //检测地点拉选项切换
+ selectChangeJc(e) {
+ this.formState.jcdd = e.name
+ },
+ //点击弹出下拉选型
+ getChange(data) {
+ switch (data) {
+ case '班次':
+ this.dialogTitle = `请选择${data}`
+ this.showDialogBc = true
+ this.dialogAction = [
+ { name: '早班', },
+ { name: '午班', },
+ { name: '晚班', },
+ ]
+ break;
+ case '测量次数':
+ this.dialogTitle = `请选择${data}`
+ this.showDialogCl = true
+ this.dialogAction = [
+ { name: '第一次', id: 1 },
+ { name: '第二次', id: 2 },
+ ]
+ break;
+ case '检测地点':
+ this.dialogTitle = `请选择${data}`
+ this.showDialogJc = true
+ this.getSelectList()
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ //点击弹出日期下拉选项
+ getChangeTime() {
+ this.showCalendar = true
+ },
+ getChangeTime1() {
+ this.showCalendar1 = true
+ },
+ getChangeTimeTb() {
+ this.showCalendarTb = true
+ },
+ confirmTb() {
+ this.showCalendarTb = false
+ this.getGasList()
+ },
+ //早班第一次编辑选项切换
+ getChangeZb1() {
+ this.showZb1 = true
+ },
+ //早班第二次编辑选项切换
+ getChangeZb2() {
+ this.showZb2 = true
+ },
+ //午班第一次编辑选项切换
+ getChangeWb1() {
+ this.showWb1 = true
+ },
+ //午班第二次编辑选项切换
+ getChangeWb2() {
+ this.showWb2 = true
+ },
+ //晚班第一次编辑选项切换
+ getChangeNb1() {
+ this.showNb1 = true
+ },
+ //晚班第二次编辑选型切换
+ getChangeNb2() {
+ this.showNb2 = true
+ },
+ //检测时间下拉选项切换
+ change(e) {
+ let that = this
+ that.formState.time = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ that.formState.tbrq = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
+ let params = {}
+ if (that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ params = {
+ timeEarly1: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ params = {
+ timeEarly2: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ params = {
+ timeNoon1: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ params = {
+ timeNoon2: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ params = {
+ timeNight1: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ params = {
+ timeNight2: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ }
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .getGas(params)
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ let data = response.data.result.records
+ if (data.length != 0) {
+ that.saveShow = 'edit'
+ that.saveShowList = data[0]
+ that.formState = {
+ id: data.id,
+ bc: that.formState.bc,
+ count: that.formState.count,
+ jcdd: data.strInstallPos,
+ jcy: that.formState.bc == '早班' ? data.checkPersonEarly : that.formState.bc == '午班' ? data.checkPersonNoon : data.checkPersonNight,
+ time: that.formState.time,
+ tbrq: that.formState.tbrq,
+ ch4: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.ch4Early1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.ch4Early2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.ch4Noon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.ch4Noon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.ch4Night1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.ch4Night2 : '',
+ co2: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.co2Early1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.co2Early2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.co2Noon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.co2Noon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.co2Night1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.co2Night2 : '',
+ co: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.coEarly1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.coEarly2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.coNoon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.coNoon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.coNight1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.coNight2 : '',
+ o2: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.o2Early1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.o2Early2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.o2Noon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.o2Noon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.o2Night1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.o2Night2 : '',
+ jw: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.jwSdzEarly1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.jwSdzEarly2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.jwSdzNoon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.jwSdzNoon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.jwSdzNight1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.jwSdzNight2 : '',
+ gw: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.gwSdzEarly1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.gwSdzEarly2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.gwSdzNoon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.gwSdzNoon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.gwSdzNight1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.gwSdzNight2 : '',
+ bxy: that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.bxySdzEarly1 : that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.bxySdzEarly2 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.bxySdzNoon1 : that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.bxySdzNoon2 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次' ? data.bxySdzNight1 : that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次' ? data.bxySdzNight2 : '',
+ }
+ } else {
+ that.formState = {
+ id: '',
+ bc: that.formState.bc,
+ count: that.formState.count,
+ jcdd: '',
+ jcy: '',
+ time: that.formState.time,
+ tbrq: that.formState.tbrq,
+ ch4: '',
+ co2: '',
+ co: '',
+ o2: '',
+ jw: '',
+ gw: '',
+ bxy: '',
+ }
+ that.saveShow = 'add'
+ }
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ //早班第一次编辑选项切换
+ changeZb1(e) {
+ this.formStateEdit.timeEarly1 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ //早班第二次编辑选项切换
+ changeZb2(e) {
+ this.formStateEdit.timeEarly2 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ //午班第一次编辑选项切换
+ changeWb1(e) {
+ this.formStateEdit.timeNoon1 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ //午班第二次编辑选项切换
+ changeWb2(e) {
+ this.formStateEdit.timeNoon2 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ //晚班第一次编辑选项切换
+ changeNb1(e) {
+ this.formStateEdit.timeNight1 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ //晚班第二次编辑选项切换
+ changeNb2(e) {
+ this.formStateEdit.timeNight2 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ change1(e) {
+ this.formState.time0 = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
+ },
+ changeTb(e) {
+ this.tbTime = moment(e.value).format('YYYY-MM-DD')
+ },
+ //瓦斯新增
+ getAdd() {
+ this.isShowAdd = true
+ },
+ //新增保存
+ getConfirm() {
+ let that = this
+ let param = {}
+ if (that.saveShow == 'add') {
+ if (that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Early1: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Early1: that.formState.co2,
+ coEarly1: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Early1: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeEarly1: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly2: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Early2: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Early2: that.formState.co2,
+ coEarly2: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzEarly2: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzEarly2: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Early2: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeEarly2: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Noon1: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Noon1: that.formState.co2,
+ coNoon1: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Noon1: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNoon1: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Noon2: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Noon2: that.formState.co2,
+ coNoon2: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Noon2: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNoon2: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Night1: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNight: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Night1: that.formState.co2,
+ coNight1: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Night1: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNight1: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Night2: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Night2: that.formState.co2,
+ coNight2: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Night2: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNight2: that.formState.time,
+ reportTime: that.formState.tbrq
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Early1: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Early1: that.formState.co2,
+ coEarly1: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Early1: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeEarly1: that.formState.time,
+ bxySdzEarly2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly2,
+ ch4Early2: that.saveShowList.ch4Early2,
+ co2Early2: that.saveShowList.co2Early2,
+ coEarly2: that.saveShowList.coEarly2,
+ gwSdzEarly2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly2,
+ jwSdzEarly2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly2,
+ o2Early2: that.saveShowList.o2Early2,
+ timeEarly2: that.saveShowList.timeEarly2,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon1,
+ ch4Noon1: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon1,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNoon,
+ co2Noon1: that.saveShowList.co2Noon1,
+ coNoon1: that.saveShowList.coNoon1,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon1,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon1,
+ o2Noon1: that.saveShowList.o2Noon1,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNoon1: that.saveShowList.timeNoon1,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon2,
+ ch4Noon2: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon2,
+ co2Noon2: that.saveShowList.co2Noon2,
+ coNoon2: that.saveShowList.coNoon2,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon2,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon2,
+ o2Noon2: that.saveShowList.o2Noon2,
+ timeNoon2: that.saveShowList.timeNoon2,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight1,
+ ch4Night1: that.saveShowList.ch4Night1,
+ checkPersonNight: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNight,
+ co2Night1: that.saveShowList.co2Night1,
+ coNight1: that.saveShowList.coNight1,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight1,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight1,
+ o2Night1: that.saveShowList.o2Night1,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNight1: that.saveShowList.timeNight1,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight2,
+ ch4Night2: that.saveShowList.ch4Night2,
+ co2Night2: that.saveShowList.co2Night2,
+ coNight2: that.saveShowList.coNight2,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight2,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight2,
+ o2Night2: that.saveShowList.o2Night2,
+ timeNight2: that.saveShowList.timeNight2,
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '早班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly1,
+ ch4Early1: that.saveShowList.ch4Early1,
+ co2Early1: that.saveShowList.co2Early1,
+ coEarly1: that.saveShowList.coEarly1,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly1,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly1,
+ o2Early1: that.saveShowList.o2Early1,
+ timeEarly1: that.saveShowList.timeEarly1,
+ bxySdzEarly2: this.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Early2: this.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Early2: this.formState.co2,
+ coEarly2: this.formState.co,
+ gwSdzEarly2: this.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzEarly2: this.formState.jw,
+ o2Early2: this.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeEarly2: this.formState.time,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon1,
+ ch4Noon1: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon1,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNoon,
+ co2Noon1: that.saveShowList.co2Noon1,
+ coNoon1: that.saveShowList.coNoon1,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon1,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon1,
+ o2Noon1: that.saveShowList.o2Noon1,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNoon1: that.saveShowList.timeNoon1,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon2,
+ ch4Noon2: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon2,
+ co2Noon2: that.saveShowList.co2Noon2,
+ coNoon2: that.saveShowList.coNoon2,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon2,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon2,
+ o2Noon2: that.saveShowList.o2Noon2,
+ timeNoon2: that.saveShowList.timeNoon2,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight1,
+ ch4Night1: that.saveShowList.ch4Night1,
+ checkPersonNight: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNight,
+ co2Night1: that.saveShowList.co2Night1,
+ coNight1: that.saveShowList.coNight1,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight1,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight1,
+ o2Night1: that.saveShowList.o2Night1,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNight1: that.saveShowList.timeNight1,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight2,
+ ch4Night2: that.saveShowList.ch4Night2,
+ co2Night2: that.saveShowList.co2Night2,
+ coNight2: that.saveShowList.coNight2,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight2,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight2,
+ o2Night2: that.saveShowList.o2Night2,
+ timeNight2: that.saveShowList.timeNight2,
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly1,
+ ch4Early1: that.saveShowList.ch4Early1,
+ co2Early1: that.saveShowList.co2Early1,
+ coEarly1: that.saveShowList.coEarly1,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly1,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly1,
+ o2Early1: that.saveShowList.o2Early1,
+ timeEarly1: that.saveShowList.timeEarly1,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.saveShowList.checkPersonEarly,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ bxySdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly2,
+ ch4Early2: this.saveShowList.ch4Early2,
+ co2Early2: this.saveShowList.co2Early2,
+ coEarly2: this.saveShowList.coEarly2,
+ gwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly2,
+ jwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly2,
+ o2Early2: this.saveShowList.o2Early2,
+ timeEarly2: this.saveShowList.timeEarly2,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Noon1: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Noon1: that.formState.co2,
+ coNoon1: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Noon1: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNoon1: that.formState.time,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon2,
+ ch4Noon2: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon2,
+ co2Noon2: that.saveShowList.co2Noon2,
+ coNoon2: that.saveShowList.coNoon2,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon2,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon2,
+ o2Noon2: that.saveShowList.o2Noon2,
+ timeNoon2: that.saveShowList.timeNoon2,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight1,
+ ch4Night1: that.saveShowList.ch4Night1,
+ checkPersonNight: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNight,
+ co2Night1: that.saveShowList.co2Night1,
+ coNight1: that.saveShowList.coNight1,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight1,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight1,
+ o2Night1: that.saveShowList.o2Night1,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNight1: that.saveShowList.timeNight1,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight2,
+ ch4Night2: that.saveShowList.ch4Night2,
+ co2Night2: that.saveShowList.co2Night2,
+ coNight2: that.saveShowList.coNight2,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight2,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight2,
+ o2Night2: that.saveShowList.o2Night2,
+ timeNight2: that.saveShowList.timeNight2,
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '午班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly1,
+ ch4Early1: that.saveShowList.ch4Early1,
+ co2Early1: that.saveShowList.co2Early1,
+ coEarly1: that.saveShowList.coEarly1,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly1,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly1,
+ o2Early1: that.saveShowList.o2Early1,
+ timeEarly1: that.saveShowList.timeEarly1,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.saveShowList.checkPersonEarly,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ bxySdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly2,
+ ch4Early2: this.saveShowList.ch4Early2,
+ co2Early2: this.saveShowList.co2Early2,
+ coEarly2: this.saveShowList.coEarly2,
+ gwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly2,
+ jwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly2,
+ o2Early2: this.saveShowList.o2Early2,
+ timeEarly2: this.saveShowList.timeEarly2,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon1,
+ ch4Noon1: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon1,
+ co2Noon1: that.saveShowList.co2Noon1,
+ coNoon1: that.saveShowList.coNoon1,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon1,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon1,
+ o2Noon1: that.saveShowList.o2Noon1,
+ timeNoon1: that.saveShowList.timeNoon1,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Noon2: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Noon2: that.formState.co2,
+ coNoon2: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Noon2: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNoon2: that.formState.time,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight1,
+ ch4Night1: that.saveShowList.ch4Night1,
+ checkPersonNight: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNight,
+ co2Night1: that.saveShowList.co2Night1,
+ coNight1: that.saveShowList.coNight1,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight1,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight1,
+ o2Night1: that.saveShowList.o2Night1,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNight1: that.saveShowList.timeNight1,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight2,
+ ch4Night2: that.saveShowList.ch4Night2,
+ co2Night2: that.saveShowList.co2Night2,
+ coNight2: that.saveShowList.coNight2,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight2,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight2,
+ o2Night2: that.saveShowList.o2Night2,
+ timeNight2: that.saveShowList.timeNight2,
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第一次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly1,
+ ch4Early1: that.saveShowList.ch4Early1,
+ co2Early1: that.saveShowList.co2Early1,
+ coEarly1: that.saveShowList.coEarly1,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly1,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly1,
+ o2Early1: that.saveShowList.o2Early1,
+ timeEarly1: that.saveShowList.timeEarly1,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.saveShowList.checkPersonEarly,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ bxySdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly2,
+ ch4Early2: this.saveShowList.ch4Early2,
+ co2Early2: this.saveShowList.co2Early2,
+ coEarly2: this.saveShowList.coEarly2,
+ gwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly2,
+ jwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly2,
+ o2Early2: this.saveShowList.o2Early2,
+ timeEarly2: this.saveShowList.timeEarly2,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon1,
+ ch4Noon1: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon1,
+ co2Noon1: that.saveShowList.co2Noon1,
+ coNoon1: that.saveShowList.coNoon1,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon1,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon1,
+ o2Noon1: that.saveShowList.o2Noon1,
+ timeNoon1: that.saveShowList.timeNoon1,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon2,
+ ch4Noon2: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon2,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNoon,
+ co2Noon2: that.saveShowList.co2Noon2,
+ coNoon2: that.saveShowList.coNoon2,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon2,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon2,
+ o2Noon2: that.saveShowList.o2Noon2,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNoon2: that.saveShowList.timeNoon2,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Night1: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNight: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Night1: that.formState.co2,
+ coNight1: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Night1: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNight1: that.formState.time,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight2,
+ ch4Night2: that.saveShowList.ch4Night2,
+ co2Night2: that.saveShowList.co2Night2,
+ coNight2: that.saveShowList.coNight2,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight2,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight2,
+ o2Night2: that.saveShowList.o2Night2,
+ timeNight2: that.saveShowList.timeNight2,
+ }
+ } else if (that.formState.bc == '晚班' && that.formState.count == '第二次') {
+ param = {
+ id: that.formState.id,
+ bxySdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly1,
+ ch4Early1: that.saveShowList.ch4Early1,
+ co2Early1: that.saveShowList.co2Early1,
+ coEarly1: that.saveShowList.coEarly1,
+ gwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly1,
+ jwSdzEarly1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly1,
+ o2Early1: that.saveShowList.o2Early1,
+ timeEarly1: that.saveShowList.timeEarly1,
+ checkPersonEarly: that.saveShowList.checkPersonEarly,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ bxySdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.bxySdzEarly2,
+ ch4Early2: this.saveShowList.ch4Early2,
+ co2Early2: this.saveShowList.co2Early2,
+ coEarly2: this.saveShowList.coEarly2,
+ gwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.gwSdzEarly2,
+ jwSdzEarly2: this.saveShowList.jwSdzEarly2,
+ o2Early2: this.saveShowList.o2Early2,
+ timeEarly2: this.saveShowList.timeEarly2,
+ bxySdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon1,
+ ch4Noon1: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon1,
+ co2Noon1: that.saveShowList.co2Noon1,
+ coNoon1: that.saveShowList.coNoon1,
+ gwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon1,
+ jwSdzNoon1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon1,
+ o2Noon1: that.saveShowList.o2Noon1,
+ timeNoon1: that.saveShowList.timeNoon1,
+ bxySdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNoon2,
+ ch4Noon2: that.saveShowList.ch4Noon2,
+ checkPersonNoon: that.saveShowList.checkPersonNoon,
+ co2Noon2: that.saveShowList.co2Noon2,
+ coNoon2: that.saveShowList.coNoon2,
+ gwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNoon2,
+ jwSdzNoon2: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNoon2,
+ o2Noon2: that.saveShowList.o2Noon2,
+ strInstallPos: that.saveShowList.strInstallPos,
+ timeNoon2: that.saveShowList.timeNoon2,
+ bxySdzNight1: that.saveShowList.bxySdzNight1,
+ ch4Night1: that.saveShowList.ch4Night1,
+ co2Night1: that.saveShowList.co2Night1,
+ coNight1: that.saveShowList.coNight1,
+ gwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.gwSdzNight1,
+ jwSdzNight1: that.saveShowList.jwSdzNight1,
+ o2Night1: that.saveShowList.o2Night1,
+ timeNight1: that.saveShowList.timeNight1,
+ bxySdzNight2: that.formState.bxy,
+ ch4Night2: that.formState.ch4,
+ checkPersonNight: that.formState.jcy,
+ co2Night2: that.formState.co2,
+ coNight2: that.formState.co,
+ gwSdzNight2: that.formState.gw,
+ jwSdzNight2: that.formState.jw,
+ o2Night2: that.formState.o2,
+ strInstallPos: that.formState.jcdd,
+ timeNight2: that.formState.time,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ console.log('add---------------')
+ if (that.saveShow == 'add') {
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .getAdd({ ...param })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ this.getGasList()
+ this.isShowAdd = false
+ this.clearData()
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ } else if (that.saveShow == 'edit') {
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .getEdit({ ...param })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ this.getGasList()
+ this.isShowAdd = false
+ this.clearData()
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ //编辑保存
+ getConfirmEdit() {
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .getEdit({ ...this.formStateEdit })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ this.getGasList()
+ this.isShowEdit = false
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ clearData() {
+ this.formState = {
+ id: '',
+ bc: '',
+ count: '',
+ jcdd: '',
+ jcy: '',
+ time: '',
+ ch4: '',
+ co2: '',
+ co: '',
+ o2: '',
+ jw: '',
+ gw: '',
+ bxy: '',
+ tbrq: '',
+ }
+ },
+ //新增取消
+ getCancel() {
+ this.isShowAdd = false
+ // this.paramCount = 1
+ this.clearData()
+ },
+ //编辑取消
+ getCancelEdit() {
+ this.isShowEdit = false
+ },
+ //瓦斯编辑
+ getEdit(item) {
+ this.isShowEdit = true
+ // this.paramCount = 2
+ this.formStateEdit = { ...item }
+ },
+ //瓦斯删除
+ getDel(item) {
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .delGas({ id: item.id })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ this.getGasList()
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ //获取瓦斯上报列表数据
+ getGasList() {
+ new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ api
+ .getGas({ reportTime: this.tbTime })
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (response.data.code == 200) {
+ let data = response.data.result.records
+ this.gasList = data
+ } else {
+ reject(response);
+ }
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.log("catch===>response", response);
+ reject(error);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ computed: {},
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+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ .gas-content {
+ height: 748px;
+ margin-top: 45px;
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+ overflow-y: auto;
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+ height: 28px;
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+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ align-items: center;
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+ height: 26px;
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+ background-size: 100% 100%;
+ }
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+ margin-bottom: 5px;
+ .item-l {
+ width: calc(50% - 2px);
+ height: 100%;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
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+ width: 4px;
+ height: 70%;
+ border-left: 2px solid;
+ border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, transparent, rgba(140, 203, 254, 1), transparent) 1 1 1;
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+ width: calc(50% - 2px);
+ height: 100%;
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+ }
+ }
+ .item-value {
+ height: 20px;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ color: #0eb4fc;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
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+ font-size: 12px;
+ }
+ .top-dialog-area,
+ .center-dialog-area,
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+ width: 100%;
+ padding: 10px;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ background-color: #FFF;
+ margin-bottom: 2px;
+ }
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+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ align-items: center;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding: 10px 20px;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ background-color: #FFF;
+ margin-bottom: 2px;
+ }
+ .bot-gas-list {
+ width: 100%;
+ height: calc(100% - 94px);
+ padding: 10px;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ background-color: #FFF;
+ margin-bottom: 2px;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ }
+ .dialog-btn {
+ display: flex;
+ width: 100%;
+ padding: 8px 10px;
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ background-color: #FFF;
+ // margin-bottom: 2px;
+ .u-button {
+ margin: 0px 10px;
+ }
+ }
+ .dialog-title {
+ height: 26px;
+ line-height: 26px;
+ padding: 0px 20px;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ background: url('/static/warndata/title.png') no-repeat;
+ background-size: 100% 100%;
+ }
+ .dialog-item {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ .dialog-label {
+ width: 120px;
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+ }
+ .search-box {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+ margin-bottom: 10px;
+ .dialog-label {
+ width: 80px;
+ text-align: right;
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+ }
+ .content-title-gas {
+ position: relative;
+ height: 26px;
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+ background: url('/static/warndata/title.png') no-repeat;
+ background-size: 100% 100%;
+ }
+ .icon-gas-edit {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 35px;
+ top: 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
+ .icon-gas-del {
+ position: absolute;
+ right: 10px;
+ top: 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ }
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