index.js 8.0 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  3. * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  4. * distributed with this work for additional information
  5. * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  6. * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  7. * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  8. * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  9. *
  10. *
  11. *
  12. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  13. * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  15. * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  16. * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  17. * under the License.
  18. */
  19. /**
  21. */
  22. /*
  23. * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  24. * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  25. * distributed with this work for additional information
  26. * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  27. * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  28. * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  29. * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  30. *
  31. *
  32. *
  33. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  34. * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  36. * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  37. * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  38. * under the License.
  39. */
  40. import { use } from './lib/extension.js';
  41. export * from './lib/export/core.js';
  42. // ----------------------------------------------
  43. // All of the modules that are allowed to be
  44. // imported are listed below.
  45. //
  46. // Users MUST NOT import other modules that are
  47. // not included in this list.
  48. // ----------------------------------------------
  49. import { SVGRenderer, CanvasRenderer } from './lib/export/renderers.js';
  50. import { LineChart, BarChart, PieChart, ScatterChart, RadarChart, MapChart, TreeChart, TreemapChart, GraphChart, GaugeChart, FunnelChart, ParallelChart, SankeyChart, BoxplotChart, CandlestickChart, EffectScatterChart, LinesChart, HeatmapChart, PictorialBarChart, ThemeRiverChart, SunburstChart, CustomChart } from './lib/export/charts.js';
  51. import { GridComponent, PolarComponent, GeoComponent, SingleAxisComponent, ParallelComponent, CalendarComponent, GraphicComponent, ToolboxComponent, TooltipComponent, AxisPointerComponent, BrushComponent, TitleComponent, TimelineComponent, MarkPointComponent, MarkLineComponent, MarkAreaComponent, LegendComponent, DataZoomComponent, DataZoomInsideComponent, DataZoomSliderComponent, VisualMapComponent, VisualMapContinuousComponent, VisualMapPiecewiseComponent, AriaComponent, DatasetComponent, TransformComponent } from './lib/export/components.js';
  52. import { UniversalTransition, LabelLayout } from './lib/export/features.js';
  53. // -----------------
  54. // Render engines
  55. // -----------------
  56. // Render via Canvas.
  57. // echarts.init(dom, null, { renderer: 'canvas' })
  58. use([CanvasRenderer]);
  59. // Render via SVG.
  60. // echarts.init(dom, null, { renderer: 'svg' })
  61. use([SVGRenderer]);
  62. // ----------------
  63. // Charts (series)
  64. // ----------------
  65. // All of the series types, for example:
  66. // chart.setOption({
  67. // series: [{
  68. // type: 'line' // or 'bar', 'pie', ...
  69. // }]
  70. // });
  71. use([LineChart, BarChart, PieChart, ScatterChart, RadarChart, MapChart, TreeChart, TreemapChart, GraphChart, GaugeChart, FunnelChart, ParallelChart, SankeyChart, BoxplotChart, CandlestickChart, EffectScatterChart, LinesChart, HeatmapChart, PictorialBarChart, ThemeRiverChart, SunburstChart, CustomChart]);
  72. // -------------------
  73. // Coordinate systems
  74. // -------------------
  75. // All of the axis modules have been included in the
  76. // coordinate system module below, do not need to
  77. // make extra import.
  78. // `cartesian` coordinate system. For some historical
  79. // reasons, it is named as grid, for example:
  80. // chart.setOption({
  81. // grid: {...},
  82. // xAxis: {...},
  83. // yAxis: {...},
  84. // series: [{...}]
  85. // });
  86. use(GridComponent);
  87. // `polar` coordinate system, for example:
  88. // chart.setOption({
  89. // polar: {...},
  90. // radiusAxis: {...},
  91. // angleAxis: {...},
  92. // series: [{
  93. // coordinateSystem: 'polar'
  94. // }]
  95. // });
  96. use(PolarComponent);
  97. // `geo` coordinate system, for example:
  98. // chart.setOption({
  99. // geo: {...},
  100. // series: [{
  101. // coordinateSystem: 'geo'
  102. // }]
  103. // });
  104. use(GeoComponent);
  105. // `singleAxis` coordinate system (notice, it is a coordinate system
  106. // with only one axis, work for chart like theme river), for example:
  107. // chart.setOption({
  108. // singleAxis: {...}
  109. // series: [{type: 'themeRiver', ...}]
  110. // });
  111. use(SingleAxisComponent);
  112. // `parallel` coordinate system, only work for parallel series, for example:
  113. // chart.setOption({
  114. // parallel: {...},
  115. // parallelAxis: [{...}, ...],
  116. // series: [{
  117. // type: 'parallel'
  118. // }]
  119. // });
  120. use(ParallelComponent);
  121. // `calendar` coordinate system. for example,
  122. // chart.setOption({
  123. // calendar: {...},
  124. // series: [{
  125. // coordinateSystem: 'calendar'
  126. // }]
  127. // );
  128. use(CalendarComponent);
  129. // ------------------
  130. // Other components
  131. // ------------------
  132. // `graphic` component, for example:
  133. // chart.setOption({
  134. // graphic: {...}
  135. // });
  136. use(GraphicComponent);
  137. // `toolbox` component, for example:
  138. // chart.setOption({
  139. // toolbox: {...}
  140. // });
  141. use(ToolboxComponent);
  142. // `tooltip` component, for example:
  143. // chart.setOption({
  144. // tooltip: {...}
  145. // });
  146. use(TooltipComponent);
  147. // `axisPointer` component, for example:
  148. // chart.setOption({
  149. // tooltip: {axisPointer: {...}, ...}
  150. // });
  151. // Or
  152. // chart.setOption({
  153. // axisPointer: {...}
  154. // });
  155. use(AxisPointerComponent);
  156. // `brush` component, for example:
  157. // chart.setOption({
  158. // brush: {...}
  159. // });
  160. // Or
  161. // chart.setOption({
  162. // tooltip: {feature: {brush: {...}}
  163. // })
  164. use(BrushComponent);
  165. // `title` component, for example:
  166. // chart.setOption({
  167. // title: {...}
  168. // });
  169. use(TitleComponent);
  170. // `timeline` component, for example:
  171. // chart.setOption({
  172. // timeline: {...}
  173. // });
  174. use(TimelineComponent);
  175. // `markPoint` component, for example:
  176. // chart.setOption({
  177. // series: [{markPoint: {...}}]
  178. // });
  179. use(MarkPointComponent);
  180. // `markLine` component, for example:
  181. // chart.setOption({
  182. // series: [{markLine: {...}}]
  183. // });
  184. use(MarkLineComponent);
  185. // `markArea` component, for example:
  186. // chart.setOption({
  187. // series: [{markArea: {...}}]
  188. // });
  189. use(MarkAreaComponent);
  190. // `legend` component not scrollable. for example:
  191. // chart.setOption({
  192. // legend: {...}
  193. // });
  194. use(LegendComponent);
  195. // `dataZoom` component including both `dataZoomInside` and `dataZoomSlider`.
  196. use(DataZoomComponent);
  197. // `dataZoom` component providing drag, pinch, wheel behaviors
  198. // inside coordinate system, for example:
  199. // chart.setOption({
  200. // dataZoom: {type: 'inside'}
  201. // });
  202. use(DataZoomInsideComponent);
  203. // `dataZoom` component providing a slider bar, for example:
  204. // chart.setOption({
  205. // dataZoom: {type: 'slider'}
  206. // });
  207. use(DataZoomSliderComponent);
  208. // `visualMap` component including both `visualMapContinuous` and `visualMapPiecewise`.
  209. use(VisualMapComponent);
  210. // `visualMap` component providing continuous bar, for example:
  211. // chart.setOption({
  212. // visualMap: {type: 'continuous'}
  213. // });
  214. use(VisualMapContinuousComponent);
  215. // `visualMap` component providing pieces bar, for example:
  216. // chart.setOption({
  217. // visualMap: {type: 'piecewise'}
  218. // });
  219. use(VisualMapPiecewiseComponent);
  220. // `aria` component providing aria, for example:
  221. // chart.setOption({
  222. // aria: {...}
  223. // });
  224. use(AriaComponent);
  225. // dataset transform
  226. // chart.setOption({
  227. // dataset: {
  228. // transform: []
  229. // }
  230. // });
  231. use(TransformComponent);
  232. use(DatasetComponent);
  233. // universal transition
  234. // chart.setOption({
  235. // series: {
  236. // universalTransition: { enabled: true }
  237. // }
  238. // })
  239. use(UniversalTransition);
  240. // label layout
  241. // chart.setOption({
  242. // series: {
  243. // labelLayout: { hideOverlap: true }
  244. // }
  245. // })
  246. use(LabelLayout);